
Soleil went to a party where the male ratio was quite high. The males were all computer nerds or taken, but my dad is a computer nerd and it's on my own personality CV back there in the annals of history, so, I can't write that off.

Soleil decided to socialise and sit next to a random stranger. I could tell he was nervous from the crackled 'hello'. And from then I thought- game on.

I was myself, and I even let slip about my blog! And on that..... there appears to be another male in the audience who would like a date just to see the write up. This makes me chuckle a little, I'm sorry you aren't my type- even though you are an awesome guy. Sometimes Soleil just gets a little too superficial for her own good. *Refer to checklist* But, do you know what? I told a friend of mine that I wouldn't write up on him and I ended up reviewing him to his face anyway. If your name starts with R and you have a thing for me, Facebook inbox me. I'll let you buy me dinner.

Moving along, Mr November wants to be called 'Edwardo', so, he can have that wish. The first character in this blog with the opportunity to name himself.

To confuse matters I want to jump around to my friend who POSSIBLY wants more. If you are reading this, more's not going to work out. You are a dear, dear friend and I actually do love you- but the chemistry is not right.

Edwardo on the other hand, is a totally different 'kettle of fish'. I like the chemistry. I like the kiss. He's well spoken. His wardrobe is not unsalvageable- it's a typical guy without a girlfriend fare- the cheap t-shirts and standard pants. Yellow is not my colour, Edwardo, but...... I liked the fact that the cars looked like smurfs.

So.... What's the problem? The problem is...... Edwardo just wanted to mack on the couch. And then drive me home. And then mack a little more- having given me the knowledge that he was in a six year relationship as little as three months ago. Now, Soleil is of two minds. One is that she doesn't like being lonely, and he's too nice to be a rebound fling . It could be detrimental to my cause. The other that, meh- she can keep looking and mack away- changing her attitude about a few of these things. He's cute, he's smart, he quotes the Yip Yips on Sesame Street- so there you have the trifecta. The small issues don't seem to bother me. He is well-spoken. He says brahhhhnch rather than branch. He isn't cool, but he accepts who he is- which makes him cool enough for me! He has a little weight on him, but I don't care. I remember when I had a 'little' weight on me. *sigh* It makes no difference. DO YOU HEAR THAT, TREVOR? Trevor used to make me do 50 sit ups before bed time to keep me in shape. And while I wish I was still as svelte as I was back then...... It was because there was psychological bullying involved.

So, Edwardo- you can stay around for now. This could be fun. Temporary, yes. An unusual place for Soleil to be, but....... nerd boy, I dig you enough AND I like the win-win situation. I can have companionship, keep looking AND I have now resolved that my oldest male friend in the universe is not the man I will marry- irrespective of the fact that in grade 6 I told my mother that we would- without a doubt. He he he! Funny shit!

1 comment:

Soleil said...

So.... quoting..... "Those guys I like who are capable of committing, I am NOT honest with. I give the impression to them that I am after something casual." am I perpetuating this in this situation? Or is he classes as 'incapable of committing'?

"Being single is da bomb" + Soleil "doesn't like being lonely" Contradiction? The way I look at it is: I would like the life I want with someone who will encourage me to have it. :-)

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#1: Melbourne. World's best city. Soleil's home town and dating playground

#2: Marriage. Over-rated. Good excuse for a party, but. Keep having them, friends o-mine!

#3: Not the way I roll.... but funny all the same because I once thought like this. Relationships are not a power game. It took a long time to realise this. Anyways, this is street graffiti in Bulgaria- but I think it's based on a pic somewhere on the internet?

#4: Soleil's photo is gone! Why? Popular opinion. It was either that or plastic glasses and moustache. Haven't seen that get up for aaages!!!!

#5: Layout critics. There are limited options here. I don't want this box to show up on EVERY SINGLE BLOODY PAGE..... but..... no choice!