H-O-M-E   S-W-E-E-T  H-O-M-E

Welcome, young and old to the exploits of Soleil. Raw insights into the dating life of a relatively young 'fish' in a big sea. A blog anyone in the Western world who has ever dated can relate to at some point. Where it was good enough for others it was good enough for Soleil. She pushed the boundaries and found herself right back at the start again- armed with knowledge and wiser for the experience. It's a story without the Hollywood ending- But with a character determined not to fall into a Bridget Jones heap because as Lily Allen puts it 'all she wants is a boyfriend'. Soleil wants to live her own life and not conform to a societal expectation- but rather the expectations she has of herself. This is her journey. ENJOY!

An easy to navigate menu of Soleil's new exploits:



For the previous menu- *CLICK HERE*


*CLICK* for December- what I am prepared to say (and believe me- there ARE omissions. BIG ones):
(This was published in 2011- hence the sub-heading)

*CLICK* to know why Soleil is a slut:

*CLICK* to read about her festival boyfriends:

*CLICK* for a mushy mission statement- realism alert

*CLICK* for Kombi Van- Part Deux

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#1: Melbourne. World's best city. Soleil's home town and dating playground

#2: Marriage. Over-rated. Good excuse for a party, but. Keep having them, friends o-mine!

#3: Not the way I roll.... but funny all the same because I once thought like this. Relationships are not a power game. It took a long time to realise this. Anyways, this is street graffiti in Bulgaria- but I think it's based on a pic somewhere on the internet?

#4: Soleil's photo is gone! Why? Popular opinion. It was either that or plastic glasses and moustache. Haven't seen that get up for aaages!!!!

#5: Layout critics. There are limited options here. I don't want this box to show up on EVERY SINGLE BLOODY PAGE..... but..... no choice!