Mission statement

You ALL told me to throw away the checklist. ALL of you. Well, here it is. My love mission statement instead:

Mr 'Perfect',

I don't need you to complete me- just to compliment me. I don't need you to think I'm perfect and vice versa but I do need to be myself and for that to be enough.

I need you to try to understand me as I will you- not forcing opinions but using logic and reason to reach new heights. If you preach, I will retreat. Please keep in mind that even if I don't seem to think efficiently, I must not be afraid to speak my mind to you as I have been in known to do in the past. I am not preaching- I am looking for knowledge. I'm quite deep- you are too. Please listen and encourage and I will do the same.

Let's love or tolerate the quirks rather than allow them to impinge negatively on our feelings. Sometimes I shy away from myself if I like someone 'too much'. Pedestal love is a thing of the past. You are not better than me. I am not better than you. Encourage me- sometimes I need to be reminded of my own awesomeness. And if my volume is too much for you to bear, or the slurping or the eating is noisy- know that it's not my intention to piss you off.

Keeping the whites of our eyes is more important than anything. We need to laugh at ourselves rather than the misfortunes of others. Empathy is one of my strengths, but life on the whole should be positive. Let's smile and laugh through problems- this might require a nap and some chocolate, but nothing is tough if we ourselves are tougher.

As for the rest, the physical stuff all sounds so Mills and Boon. Of course it is important, but it's easy enough to figure these things out. We will know if it works because we know what we like and we know how to reciprocate. We are comforted by each others scent and sleep well in the same bed at night.

I still have what I perceive as a happy freedom and you still have yours. We are two free souls who have a better life now that we know each other. Compromise does happen BUT.... you are not a puppy dog and I am not your nagging shadow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this :)

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#1: Melbourne. World's best city. Soleil's home town and dating playground

#2: Marriage. Over-rated. Good excuse for a party, but. Keep having them, friends o-mine!

#3: Not the way I roll.... but funny all the same because I once thought like this. Relationships are not a power game. It took a long time to realise this. Anyways, this is street graffiti in Bulgaria- but I think it's based on a pic somewhere on the internet?

#4: Soleil's photo is gone! Why? Popular opinion. It was either that or plastic glasses and moustache. Haven't seen that get up for aaages!!!!

#5: Layout critics. There are limited options here. I don't want this box to show up on EVERY SINGLE BLOODY PAGE..... but..... no choice!