My friend, Jayne.

Ok. So I have some friends who put themselves in sticky situations- because it’s fun. And even though this has primarily been my dating story, I’ve decided, for reprieve, to blog about my friend Jayne’s latest drama.

Jayne is in Italy, swooning over the world of accents and the sea of eligible men which you apparently are guaranteed with as a traveller. This reminds me of the time when my cousin walked onto a dancefloor at the Mountain View in Glen Waverley with the words ‘I’m Swedish’ only to have a girl slamming her tongue down his throat in reply. The world of accents. And in my previous post, I stated what I honestly think about them- and also that I hypocritically have this hidden ‘accent’ checklist which comes out very occasionally.

So, back to Jayne. She has a player who is very open about this. She herself is not a player but it’s fair to say that she has ticked off a lot more boxes than I would ever want to declare. Liberation? She and a few of my other friends could start a new ‘Women’s liberation movement’ on their own. Anyway, so the internet is her dirty little tool of communication. The conversations she and her Italian Stallion have had are VERY Samantha-ish (Sex and The City style) and it’s going to be a little too much for my sister if I mention too much. But.... Jayne was all booked for a liason with afforementioned Italian Stallion. She’s booked the place she is going to stay at. She’s told him where they are going to be skinny dipping. She’s given him enough information to have even a sterile man or a EUNICH’S tongue wagging. And he was a willing and eager participant in these conversations. And now what. He stands her up and stops conversing? Can everyone say L-O-S-E-R? Seriously! So what was Jayne to do?

This is what Jayne did to get over it all. She propositioned someone 8 years her senior. VERY Samantha-ish. I told you! And what was she to do? There were cameras EVERYWHERE! What would Samantha do? Public places of course! Jayne is now happy again..... Her itch has been scratched.
And see, it’s nice to have such liberal friends.Friends that aren’t so sucked into romance as I obviously am. And it’s nice to see what makes them happy and to appreciate that they are indeed very different breed from Soleil. These people, like Jayne, who at times have more than two in the bed. These people are interesting. And it’s easy to judge. And many do. Today I was briefly looking on the internet again, even though I vowed not to, and came across a guy who listed a ‘sin doll’ as one of his positive traits. I immediately thought of some type of blow up thing but I was wrong.... It’s a Japanese type plush toy that I think you tell all your sins to. Maybe I am looking at this far to naively, but it attracted my attention. Maybe it’s his girlfriend like those sad Japanese men and their ‘girlfriend’ Manga pillows. I don’t know. Anyway, it’s a whole new world out there. Full of interesting people with way more interesting dating stories. And even though some judge, for the most part, it seems these happy people who do their own thing don’t care about those sort of opinions. And these people challenge me. They challenge my own perceptions of romance, love, sex and what’s really important. They don’t change my believes, but they feed me with tolerance and understanding rather than contempt and fear that society is now a sinkhole. It’s not. People are happy. They aren’t hurting anyone. So what am I to judge? A sticky situation needn’t be a negative one. And what has Jayne done? She’s proven my point.

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#1: Melbourne. World's best city. Soleil's home town and dating playground

#2: Marriage. Over-rated. Good excuse for a party, but. Keep having them, friends o-mine!

#3: Not the way I roll.... but funny all the same because I once thought like this. Relationships are not a power game. It took a long time to realise this. Anyways, this is street graffiti in Bulgaria- but I think it's based on a pic somewhere on the internet?

#4: Soleil's photo is gone! Why? Popular opinion. It was either that or plastic glasses and moustache. Haven't seen that get up for aaages!!!!

#5: Layout critics. There are limited options here. I don't want this box to show up on EVERY SINGLE BLOODY PAGE..... but..... no choice!