I'm not eighteen anymore!/University

Well, what a dud weekend? ZERO dates lined up for the next week!? Well.... Something might turn up.... You guys know that I will keep you informed!

Anyway, there WAS a cute guy at the pub on Friday, somewhat impressed at me potting two yellows in the same shot.... but it was all fluke and I had been informed that he was an asshole, SO, after the admiring stage was done with I was quite happy to send out the 'get lost' vibes...

Where was I? Ghosts of dating past? Oh yeah- university. I was in a predominantly male lecture theatre for the first few years of uni, which was very bizarre seeings that I had just spent six years in the equivalent of a women's penitentiary (Trust me, the girls' school I went to was VERY much like a gaol.)

But, surprisingly, I don't think I hooked up with ANYONE from the university! The closest I came was a Canadian exchange student who took me to the movies. There was also an Israeli guy that was into me, but he informed me of his antics in South America with the 'very liberal Brazilians' and that was a little bit of a turnoff to say the least.

The truth is, I was a little scared of what guys thought of me in my uni years. This might have had something to do with that poor, unfortunate guy that I chased around a boat, while drunk at a work Christmas party. This is the ONLY night I have never remembered, but I do tend to think that that is a really good thing. The thing is, there is no means for escape from a drunken, crazy obsessed eighteen year old girl with a crush 'bigger than Ben Hur', when you are on a boat, cruising along a river as murky as the Yarra. Anyway, let's call this guy Ted. I really shouldn't have started up the 'I love Ted fanclub' beforehand. It really did make things so much worse! Ted, if you are out there, I am SO sorry for acting like a crazy lunatic. I hope atleast you got an ego-boost out of it?!

OK... So uni. In my time as a checkout chick, I had an admirer. And after he kept coming through my register, eventually we went out. He was a SHORT guy with a great taste in music (he played bass guitar really well) and an ugly poster of a feral Ralph chick above his bed. He was intelligent and VERY kind, although one night, while camping, he thought that bread and tomato sauce would make an adequate shout for his girlfriend (me) for dinner. Needless to say, Soleil was less than impressed, and had I been able to dump him then and there, in the middle of the wilderness when he had a whole more three days left before I had to drive him home (I was the only one in my group of friends with a licence), I probably would have. Needless to say, I spent the whole rest of the trip trying to run away from him, and once back from the holiday, I ignored his calls until his birthday came along. On that day, Mum gave me the phone. She was SO good at covering for me up to this point! Anyway, so poor Tomato Sauce Boy got the flick. ON HIS BIRTHDAY! Callous, I know! (In my defence, I thought he would get the message after a few weeks with no contact). Who would have thought that paths would cross with his mother this year! (Awkward!)And that she would, in her words, 'naturally' assume that I was married with children like her dear son, Tomato Sauce Boy!

A few months after Tomato Sauce Boy, I found myself in my first significant long term relationship, (let's call him Trevor) which lasted pretty much until university life was over. This, to be honest, was a little bit of a bummer really. What a waste of uni life?! Anyway, the first two years of this relationship were the most wonderful years I had ever experienced at that time, but the rest was nothing but a stressful, soul-wrenching and energy sapping, agonisingly cataclysmic piece of bullshit. It involved a trial break, a request for an open relationship, and, finally, abandonment when he left indefinitely for London. Unfortunately, I was far too naive to realise that I could actually be happier without this guy, and, as the ever-compliant door-mat, I was even willing to try to get him back. Any way I could! This was, of course, the most stupid idea in the world, definitely on par with chasing a guy around a boat!

So, that's enough for now. Stay tuned for the next chapter: 'My so-called open relationship'.

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#1: Melbourne. World's best city. Soleil's home town and dating playground

#2: Marriage. Over-rated. Good excuse for a party, but. Keep having them, friends o-mine!

#3: Not the way I roll.... but funny all the same because I once thought like this. Relationships are not a power game. It took a long time to realise this. Anyways, this is street graffiti in Bulgaria- but I think it's based on a pic somewhere on the internet?

#4: Soleil's photo is gone! Why? Popular opinion. It was either that or plastic glasses and moustache. Haven't seen that get up for aaages!!!!

#5: Layout critics. There are limited options here. I don't want this box to show up on EVERY SINGLE BLOODY PAGE..... but..... no choice!