Is this the end of 2009's run?

So.... I recently acquired a new phone. Oliver's number was not in it. Oliver rang and I tactfully ignored him.

Later in the week, my phone rang and I missed the call. I went to the missed call options and I re-rang the number.

It was him.

That was very awkward but atleast he understood by the end of the phonecall that there was not going to be a second date???

I haven't been having any luck of late. I went out to a pub and thought I was in for a chance with someone out there.....

All I found was an egotistical Irish guy called Anton. He initially seemed fun, but he only spoke about himself and didn't even ask me my name. Don't ask me why he thought he was 'in for a shot at the big time' with me. Stupid guy. We pashed.....he was cute...... it was would had been a while...... but he wasn't satisfied with that.

I love it when the denial just makes them try again 15 minutes later, with even LESS tact than the initial time and he, a complete stranger, tells me he wants to drag me down an alley way.....(catch my drift). Soleil is above this. ALL girls should be above this. But, unfortunately, they aren't. If all girls WERE, then guys wouldn't 'expect' this. (Oh, watch out, Soleil is sounding preachy) I'm so glad I had the brains and the gumption to put this guy in his place. But unfortunately, it lead to me drunkedly complaining about his conduct to all the other Irish males I could find in the pub in an attempt to have his friends shame and vilify him at another time(and believe me, there were a lot of them, as it was an Irish pub). That was stupid. One of THEM could have been nice.

The count is now two Irish men and this latest one.... Well.... he didn't even ask for my name. *Gobsmacked*

And, just a casual note out there to the guy in the glasses who was chatting me up at the cocktail lounge? You could've stopped ogling at the other blonde next to you and show a little more courtesy while chatting me up. The greed thing, it doesn't do much for your chances and I know you went home phone number-less, I saw you leave.

Yes, maybe Soleil has PMS. Or..... maybe, she's just plain right. Either way, I had a great weekend with my friends. The people in my world who treat me with the dignity and compassion that I deserve. It is to them that my affections are reserved for at the moment. :-)

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#1: Melbourne. World's best city. Soleil's home town and dating playground

#2: Marriage. Over-rated. Good excuse for a party, but. Keep having them, friends o-mine!

#3: Not the way I roll.... but funny all the same because I once thought like this. Relationships are not a power game. It took a long time to realise this. Anyways, this is street graffiti in Bulgaria- but I think it's based on a pic somewhere on the internet?

#4: Soleil's photo is gone! Why? Popular opinion. It was either that or plastic glasses and moustache. Haven't seen that get up for aaages!!!!

#5: Layout critics. There are limited options here. I don't want this box to show up on EVERY SINGLE BLOODY PAGE..... but..... no choice!